Friday, March 14, 2025

Research for Question #2 for CCR

Our project is a thought-provoking film that argues against the classic stereotype of high school bullies by diving into his hidden true personality, and factors that cause this. This introduction engages audience with the film by utilizing subtle storytelling to grab the viewers attention. For example, when the bully hides bruises under the hoodie, it sparks curiosity from the audience, and causes them to be emotionally invested. This with the contrast of how he acts in school, it also makes the audience feel empathy for the bully, and causes them to consider why he acts like how he is. Our production choices, including atmospheric lighting and dark clothing. 

Our target audience is teenagers and young adults, who's ages are 13-21. These ages could most likely relate to the themes of bullying in our film. These people are sometimes in these situations, and may reflect on the film. To distribute this, we could utilize platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. We also can enter our film into film festivals, such as the Lighting Film Festival at my school, Cypress Bay. This will help us gain recognition for our production.

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