Sunday, March 9, 2025

Research for Question #1 Of CCR

 When I was creating this film, I wanted to challenge the traditional stereotype of a high-school bully by showing the reasons why he acts like how he is. When the film opens with him reluctantly getting out of bed and specifically choosing a long-sleeved hoodie to cover bruises, this immediately signals to the audience that there are problems, and that he could have factors effecting his personality. This is similar to the film Mean Creek, where a bully is confronted by a bunch of teenagers, and they uncover the truth about his life.

In this film, I wanted to show how a person's environment can shape their actions, and change how a person acts. This is very evident in our film. At school, he appears confident, but at home, he is scared, and frightened of his parents and abuse. By making this contrast, it shows how he is coping with his true pain, and how it isn't him truly wanting to inflict pain. This film encourages viewers to think twice about how someone acts, as you don't know what challenges they face.

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Research for CCR Question 4

 The software utilized the most has been by far Adobe Premiere Pro. This is the editing software I have used for everything, including arran...