Thursday, March 6, 2025

Day 4 of Filming

 Ok, so we made a mistake.

While i was watching over the shots and making sure they were ok, I realized that our camera was very shaky in a couple of the room shots. While it wasn't that noticeable, we went back and wanted to film them again.

The first shot we re-shot was the clock scene in the beginning.

To improve this, we re-shot it to make sure it was still, and also ended the shot to be closer to the clock. This will allow for a smoother transition to my eye opening, to wake up. The circular shape of my eye will align with the clock, creating a smooth transition for a cut.

Speaking of that, we also re-shot the scene of me, waking up!

After we re shot the clock scene, we also wanted to re-shoot the scene of me waking up, just to be safe, and also to stabilize the camera. We really like how it came out, with my eye slowly opening, showing his resistance to wake up for the day.

That's all we did today!

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