Saturday, March 1, 2025

Day 2 of Filming

 Here we go again! This is how our day 2 of filming went.

We had a pretty short day today, only needing to take care of the shots for when he arrives at home.

We filmed them all in the same room as before, this time focusing on the bully's fear of his parents arriving.

The shots began with the bully arriving home, nervously closing his door. These were easy and we had no difficulty with, we just wanted to truly capture his fear of his glooming doom. We also had the room slightly lighter, with only the lamp being on. This shows how his personality from school hasn't worn off yet.

After these, the only remaining ones that we filmed were me sitting on the bed, nervous about what is going to happen, and the door. For the shots of me sitting on my bed, we had one medium shot and one over the shoulder. I really liked how the over-the-shoulder one came out, and it really captured his fright of his home life.

After this, we filmed our last shots. His parents shadows getting closer, and the door swinging open. The only challenge we had was getting the shadows to show up on camera, which we were stumped on. But I figured out if we just had brighter light in the hallway, they showed up just fine.

Ok! That's everything we did for day 2. Check out my blog tomorrow for what we did on day 3!

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