Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Camera Shots Quiz


Camera Shots Quiz

    In class, instead of having a traditional quiz, to text us on our knowledge of camera shots, we had to create a story. We had to create a visual story using one or two inanimate objects as our characters. We had to shoot 15 shots, including specific types like an establishing shot, long shot, medium shots, close-ups, and others. After we took our 15 pictures, we out them all in a PowerPoint, labeling them all and writing a brief description of the purpose.

    For my group, we wrote about a bear, named Barry, who goes to school for a day, and we showcase some events that took place in school. We first created a list of the scenes that we need shots for, and then labeled them with the fitting shots. After, we went out into the hallway and began taking our photos. I believe my group did an excellent job taking the fitting photos, as they all came out great. My favorite shot that we produced was the over the shoulder shot, which turned out high quality, and perfectly fitted the definition for it. However, I believe we could've improved one of our close-up shots has my hand partially visible. 

Project Link:

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